Welcome to Worship at Rosedale UCC!

Sunday worship service begins at 9:30 am in the sanctuary and live on YouTube https://www.youtube.com@RosedaleUCC

Follow us on Facebook for more services, devotions, and announcements.

Pastor Selina Welcome


  • Services begin at 9:30 every Sunday morning and are live streamed on Facebook.

  • Our service is formal in style, but is conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

  • Worship lasts about an hour and includes joyful music provided by our choirmaster and assistant choirmaster who provide instrumentals on pipe organ and piano, lead the choir, and bell choir, and orchestrate special music by individuals and small groups.

  • We celebrate Communion every Sunday. Currently, we are asking worshippers to bring their own elements (bread or crackers and juice or wine). Celebration Cups are also available for those who do not bring their own elements.

  • Wear what you like! Our sanctuary is air conditioned & heated according to the seasons for your comfort. We have a nursery room that you may use, but we do not currently provide nursery attendants.

  • Street parking is available or you can park in the lot across from the Laureldale fire company on Montclare Street.

  • Enter through the red doors at the corner of E. Bellevue and Ridgeway, or use the wheelchair accessible ramp on E. Bellevue Ave. at the opposite corner of the building.

Enjoy a virtual tour of our beautiful church

Welcome to Rosedale UCC!

Holy Week Services

April 13 - Palm Sunday 9:30 AM
April 16 - Shut in lunch & noon worship
April 17 - Maundy Thursday 7 PM
April 18 - Good Friday 7 PM
April 19 - Easter Vigil 7 PM
April 20 - Easter Sunday 9:30AM

Special Services

Special services are conducted during holiday seasons including several services during Holy Week, Easter Sunday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.

  • Good Friday 2021

  • Christmas 2023